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  • John Isaacs
Guadalajara, México
The 13 Corners.
20 Sep 2016 - 19 Nov 2016
John Isaacs

The 13 corners, 2016
Travesía Cuatro Guadalajara (Mexico)

John Isaacs

What makes certain (diptych), 2016
Newspaper on primed raw canvas
140x110x5 cm

John Isaacs

‘are we not the same you and I’, 2016
Bronze and 24 carat gold leaf
113x9x9 cm

John Isaacs

‘This is the place’, 2016
Neon tubing and transformers
180×160 cm

John Isaacs

Hand woven wool gobelin, 2016
290×190 cm

John Isaacs

‘if your dreams are not your own how can you claim to own them’, 2016
Digital print on acrylic mirror
110×82.5 cm

John Isaacs

‘let the golden age begin’, 2016
Steel, wood, 24 carat gold leaf
210x180x180 cm

John Isaacs

The 13 corners, 2016
Travesía Cuatro Guadalajara (Mexico)

John Isaacs

‘cast from light and dark your shadow is no different from mine’, 2016
Polychrome on wood, gesso
27x15x23 cm

John Isaacs

‘Untitled’, 2016
Acrylic paint and gel medium on primed raw canvas
240x190x5 cm


‘Acrylic paint and gel medium on primed raw canvas’, 2016
240x190x5 cm

In the future the passage of time will be manufactured. In the past people had to wait for things to deteriorate, but soon oldness will be available at the touch of a button or as an industrial varnish which could be applied freely on the surface of all objects. It’s still unsure why but everything points out that in a few years from now “faded”, “ragged” and “rusted” will be trendy and chic adjectives for describing products. Perfect aluminum bodies with angular shapes will be so out of fashion. It’s funny how religious institutions quickly adopted neon as a good option for interior and exterior design. Saint augustine would be quite surprised to know that divine illumination is not exclusively transmitted through gold, but it also comes in neon pink, green and blue. Speaking about god, why are we always waiting for trascendental messages to arrive as perfectly delimitated and constructed sentences? Maybe god and the angels have been speaking incessantly to us in other ways, and we have been losing precious information! Being honest, messianic speeches have always seemed a bit tacky, a bit tongue-in-cheek. Maybe god is a poet. Corporations can be quite poetic and messianic to; in 1927 coca-cola’s slogan was “pure as sunlight”. What did they meant with this? Corporate baptism? Archtects agree in that displacement has been accelerated and effectivness has been increased since the improving of the usage of glass for architectural purposes, permitting the construction of more transparent buildings, eliminating the difference between being inside or outside, space and time are converted into malleable structures. But people surely still treat time with respect and devotion, the white house chief of staff during the bush administration answered the following when asked about why delaying the campaign for voting the iraq war: “from a marketing point of view, you don’t introduce new products in august.” As we know human beings are always looking for signs, something to cling to, we excel at coating things with symbolic meaning, but what happens when every surface is reflective and shiny. So, anyway, not everything is lost, grace presents itself in mysterious styles and shapes.