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  • Pablo Dávila
Guadalajara, México
17 May 2017 - 14 Aug 2017

Distance is a game of perspective, a dynamic that radically changes with every reference point. In C,O,N,T,I,N,U,O C-O-N-E-C-T-A-D-O distance is transformed into something malleable and that can be presented as an autonomous presence. These numbers become abstract entities vaguely related to the human world, they reaffirm in a certain way our own spatial and temporary position. Our location in the world and the universe, which is calculated with multiple measurement tools, become a speculative and poetic exercise.

In this exhibition two forms of experimenting and measuring time and space are opposed, the first one is merely subjective and intimate, it represents the precise experience of the individual in relation to things and the environment. The later is the mathematical and geometrical conception of schematizing natural phenomena.
Even though we understand these mathematical concepts, there is always a grade of mystery and the necessity of faith, although this information is confirmed through multiple relations between extremes, approaching the notion of the immeasurable. Dávila uses the exhibition space not only as a container for artworks, but as a reference point and as a spatial anchorage, transforming the works into an exercise of speculative positioning.